“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Fill your life with optimism. Optimism will keep you going and make life more enjoyable. This doesn’t mean everything that happens is good. It’s more about keeping the big picture in mind, having faith that good things will happen. And recognizing that many good things are happening right now.
We have to ignore the setbacks and keep moving forward, expecting that good thing will happen. Counting our losses and obsessing over why certain things happen will prevent us from seeing good things that are right under our nose.
We’re capable of creating a positive state of mind for ourselves. But we have to stay away from negative influences. When we’re around other people we are entering their world — their perception of reality. That perception may be quite different from our own.
We have no choice but to be optimistic. The alternative offers us no advantage. Pessimism is not a viable option. There’s plenty of reason to be pessimistic. But there’s also plenty of reason to be optimistic. Being optimistic starts with appreciating what you have. Everyone has something to be grateful for.
P.S. I’m not talking about down-side risk. It’s important to consider the potential downside to decisions we make. But our overall outlook on life should be optimistic.
By Dan Pederse
Fivenson Studios: Michigan’s #1 Graphic Design, Web Design, & Digital Advertising Agency
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