MYTH VS REALITY 45 MY PRODUCT WILL SELL ITSELF- designed by fivenson studios in ann arbor michigan

You want your brand to be memorable and have a fair amount of longevity. What you don’t want for it is to struggle under the weight of unforeseen legal issues, a weak strategy or arbitrary deadlines. Here is the 4th way to make sure your brand sings.

Myth: My product will sell itself.
Reality: Of course a stellar product will lead to worth of mouth and social media praise, but you want your brand to expand on the qualities of the product to tell an emotionally-driven narrative that will appeal to your customers and make them want to come back for more.

Nina Zipkin

Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and webpage design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

Let’s Get Social | | (734) 224-9696 | Info@FivensonStudios.Com