When a rookie in the field of online entrepreneurship has to choose from a wide range of hosting options, they can get quite confused with different terms used in this area. This is why it’s important to spend some time learning more about website infrastructure. After reading this piece, you should get a general idea on the pros and cons of each and every hosting solution.

Your host, their packages, and the server

A business owner who wants to launch a website first has to find a host. This is usually a company that provides Internet users with an agreed number of services that will make a website work. Those are programming features and design solutions that keep the underlying structure of the website, as well as the content published on the website, such as texts and visuals.

Therefore, the host has to rent or buy a server. This is basically a large, powerful computer on which hosts keep the data from their clients’ websites. Also, servers can be located anywhere in the world. Remember well this piece of information and learn why it’s important here.

Virtual private server (VPS) and cloud options

This type of service is recommended for businesses that have already reached a certain level of financial independence. This is so because having your own VPS requires paying a monthly fee. This can vary from $10-15 to several hundred dollars. What you get with a private cloud-based server is a higher level of privacy and security. For instance, having a VPS means that a special part of a large server is reserved only for your business needs. Although there are also other clients and their websites on that server, their presence doesn’t affect yours in any way whatsoever. Moreover, having a VPS includes a high level of scalability, meaning you can change a number of resources, such as RAM, storage space and CPU features on the spur of the moment.

Apart from that, VPSs and cloud options are easily managed and launched these days. For instance, you can work in Italy and find a Web hosting provider in Australia, so as to get the best package for your current budget and business needs.

Dedicated server for big companies

Unlike the aforementioned VPS and the shared server that we’re going to discuss later in the text, a business can rent an entire server. This option is called a dedicated server since it belongs only to one user. On the positive side, you’re in charge of everything happening on that server. From website management to data storage, you have free rein to completely adapt this machine to your preferences. On the negative side, this freedom could turn out to be a disadvantage if you fail to learn how to use it. Because of that, you should learn a lot about hosting and servers or hire a specialist to manage this dedicated server.

Shared server for rookies

The most communal solution of all the hosting options, shared server packages are perfect for small businesses or bloggers. They’re communal mainly because dozens or even hundreds of websites are hosted on the same server, using all its resources at the same time, like some sort of a hosting kibbutz. The main advantage of this hosting option is that it’s affordable. The main drawback, on the other hand, is its public nature. For instance, if you share your server with 100 other website owners and some of them have more than one website, the total number of websites on this server might get up to 300. If only one experiences problems, everybody in its surroundings will suffer. This is called a bad or risky hosting neighborhood and should be avoided. Still, since this kind of hosting is affordable for business beginners, they should at least opt for well-known providers of shared servers. That way, you’ll reduce the potential risk of website downtime.

Your final decision will depend on your budget and business policy. While cheap and publicly open hosting solutions might work for smaller businesses, established enterprises will incline towards VPS, cloud and dedicated options to ensure better privacy and a higher degree of online independence.

Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and a regular contributor to Technivorz



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