Google Makes its Mark as a Domain Name Registrar designed by fivenson studios based in ann arbor michigan

The introduction of new domain name extensions—or, as we call them, “not-coms”—is proving to be the largest ever expansion of Internet namespace, with now more than 8 million registrations in these fresh, new options. It’s a seismic shift in the online world.

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Google is all in on not-coms. In June 2014, the company launched Google Domains, followed in February 2015 by a more than $25 million investment in the new domain option .APP. More recently, Google made news with the formation of their new parent company Alphabet, complete with its new and intriguing domain name: ABC.XYZ.

And just this week Google Domains expanded its not-com offerings with nearly 90 new domains, making it a provider of one of the most varied menus of domain options anywhere. As Google VP and CIO Ben Fried said in a recent blog post: “New endings are continuously opening up to the web, like .LEGAL, .ACCOUNTANTS and .SERVICES, and can help you create a name that matches who you are and what you do.” Virtually overnight Google is now one of the most credible and visible sellers in the industry.

Since the launch of not-coms last year there’s been a lot of chatter from naysayers about how new gTLDs won’t be supported by Google, won’t perform well in search, and a whole host of other “sky is falling” scenarios. Looks like the only things falling now are those unfounded myths.

Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and webpage design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

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