What Makes Design the Key Ally of Every Startup-designed by fivenson studios graphic design and web design studios in michigan

Being surrounded by thousands of similar businesses striving for recognition demands a creative approach. When we say creative, we mean coming up with business strategies that will outperform every other startup around you. In the modern business world, you can make a huge difference only if you accept new technological solutions and use them in a subtle way to help your business grow. This is why the visual identity and design features can be resourceful allies in your ascent to the top.

What Makes Design the Key Ally of Every Startup fivenson studios

Design as integral part of business plan

What startup owners often fail to recognize as an important thing is to include design into their initial business plan. When a new entrepreneur determines their business goals, they should make at least a rough estimate of design-related expenses. It includes a website, visual branding and funds for digital marketing campaigns. Not being ready for the challenges waiting behind the digital corner will bury every business effort.

Illustrations and infographics

Although today the visual aspect of the Internet seems to be the dominant feature, it is only partly true. The number of photos published on the Internet every day is enormous – about 1.8 billion photos daily [source] – but only rare sites can rely solely on photos. On the other hand, launching text-only websites would be a futile effort, too. This is the reason why infographics and illustrations are one of the hottest and most useful trends on the Internet. Creative teams made of experienced and dexterous web designers and copywriters can give every website a vital combination of ingenious textual and graphic content. Here you can have a look at an informative trend-predicting analysis for 2016 in the form of an infographic, brought by Entrepreneur.

Enhanced user experience

User experience, also known as UI, is definitely the buzzword – or rather the buzz phrase – of the 2010s. Due to the constant increase in the number of websites and Internet users, the online battle for recognition and usability is becoming harsher with every new website. Since the web is probably the most liberal and fairest market in the world, how successful and popular a startup will be is determined by their customers’ experience. If a startup owner wants their website to contribute to their progress, they need to test every single detail on the site before launching it. To ensure that the website is suitable for its target audience, it is necessary to conduct proper A/B testing beforehand.

Joining modern trends

Applying new design trends and strategies to business operations can reduce the time needed to reach success. If you look around, it is clear that smartphones and tablets represent the next frontier of digital development. The functionality and options they offer today were hard to imagine only ten years ago. Because of that, startup owners need to ensure that their websites are easily accessed from gadgets, too. The easiest and most affordable way to pull it off is to build an app. Such a tool should contain all the basic information about the business. Moreover, its users should be able to make payments and give feedback through that app.

What Makes Design the Key Ally of Every Startup fivenson studios graphic design and web design

From slideshows to animation

In addition to infographics and applications, modern web design offers numerous business possibilities in the form of slideshows and animations, as well. As a direct result of the popularity of smartphones, web designers use slideshows a lot to make websites even more user-friendly. Also, modern animation tools enable designers to present the content of a website in a simple way, in the shortest time possible.

All these design features give startup owners a better chance to attract their customers in a creative way. In the online context you have only little time to tell your customers what you do and how they could benefit from it. It is much easier to entice them if you use practical web design solutions.

Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.


Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and webpage design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

Let’s Get Social | https://fivensonstudio.com | (734) 224-9696 | Info@FivensonStudios.Com