Business-to-Business Website Success
Business 2 business trades are almost entirely performed through websites. For its 2015 State of product marketing in b2b report, the company Regalix surveyed some of the most experienced professionals and senior marketers working in the b2b marketing. 91% of them confirmed that a website is still a dominating digital channel for their business, which makes it the most important asset of every b2b agency.
If you are a b2b marketer as well, you should read the following article in order to understand which aspects of your website are the most important ones for your success. This concerns your conversions, and overall for your b2b friendly website design that will act compelling to your potential customers and honor certain standards.
Your Homepage
The very first landing page that your prospects reach has to contain all the required information that they need to know about your product or service. Everything from your offer to your very contact should be presented. What is more important, you have to explain concisely who you are and what is it that you do, and why that particular visitor should hire you on the spot. This is why having a video feature explaining your business and product is always a good idea.
The Ease of Doing Business
The faster a customer can purchase a product the higher your conversion rate will be. It is simply an established fact so keep your order forms short as possible. However, don’t neglect the question of secure payments either. A three step purchase process with an encryption software that will protect all the files submitted is a standard for a decent b2b commerce website. So make that trip from the shopping kart to the checkout concise and comprehensive. Ideally, the entire platform should function like that and that is why I would advise to you to check out the magento b2b solution.
The number one reason why prospects change their minds about whether they will or won’t hire you, are hidden fees and shady testimonials. While finding a unique method of presenting your work experience in the best possible way seem less important, don’t forget that there is a vast difference between clients today and clients from two decades ago. More than 94% of b2b decision makers research the product or service thoroughly before choosing the right solution. This is why you have to provide a turnkey solution for every visitor that comes inquiring for your services. This also means that all of your fees should be clearly presented as well.
Onsite SEO will always be an extremely important factor, but in b2b marketing, it is essential. Simply, in this type of trade people will search for information on Google first. Not being on the first or the second page of the results will put you out of the business fast. This is why you will have to either hire an SEO expert that will optimize your website, or you can try and install some plugins (Yoast for example, if you own a WordPress website). Remember – as long as there are searches, there will be a search engine optimizations as well.
Target Mobile
A few decades ago, commercial printing dominated the world of marketing. After that, we’ve leveraged the media. Today, the best and the most efficient marketing is happening right on the screens of our mobile devices. Since the last summer, mobile searches have surpassed desktop, and it became evident that all consumers are using their mobile devices as a tool for research. Checking whether a certain product is right for you is just a few clicks away. This is why your b2b website has to be fully optimized for mobile, with responsive, flat design. Mind the time that it takes to load, the faster it loads the higher your conversions are.
At the very end, your loyal customers are also an extremely important part of your b2b platform. Having genuine testimonials and clients willing to advocate for you is a great addition to any commerce based website.
Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.
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