The development of modern technologies has changed the way business people look at work organization. The rigid and strict attitude that dominated the corporate world in the past is being replaced by a laid-back and flexible policy. One of the pivotal innovations is undoubtedly the introduction of teleworking. Although this concept and practice have always been present in some fields of work, they’ve become a widespread trend in the last twenty years. Working remotely requires some special organizational and tech features. So, here are some crucial things that make a great remote worker.

Full understanding of tasks

This is the core of every work, especially if it’s remote and via the Internet. Teleworkers need to fully understand the tasks assigned by their employers and clients. Of course, you won’t be able to process the information received properly if your English isn’t good. So, if you’re planning to work as an online worker for a foreign company, start improving your English.

If you don’t understand a task, don’t hesitate to repeatedly ask the client to break it down to you in simple terms.

Strict time management

The fact that you don’t have to waste your time commuting to work will fill your heart with joy. However, it’s very important to be disciplined so that you avoid procrastination. In order to ensure you meet your business goals, you have to set a detailed work HYPERLINK “” schedule. What’s more, you have to stick with it. First and foremost, always get up at the same time during work days. That way, you’ll get used to having obligations. Secondly, make breaks at the same time, as well. Thirdly, add some social or sports activities after work. That will help you let off some steam. Finally, don’t work at weekends and spend them doing only the things you enjoy.

Using project management software

If you have to search through email to find your tasks, you’ll probably get frustrated and perform your tasks poorly. Also, it’s a time-consuming way for task distribution. Therefore, you should use project management software. Such a tool will yield multi-fold benefits to your work. Firstly, you will be able to follow your progress and see what tasks you still haven’t done. Also, some of those tools have integrated tracking options. Those can be helpful when determining your work hours since they’ll show you when your productivity is on the highest level.

Apart from that, many project management solutions also have billing options, so that you can create and send invoices without launching any new tools.

Fast flow of information

Information is the most important bit (literally) of every teleworker’s office. Here, the formula is quite simple – the more practical information you exchange with the world, the higher revenue you will have. Because of that, you have to master various ways of ensuring a smooth flow of information. The first prerequisite for achieving this objective is getting a reliable and fast Internet connection. After that, ensure that you have enough cloud space for your business needs.

Also, if you’re planning to live abroad for some period of time, make sure you don’t lose the comfort of fast information exchange. Many foreign companies offer great packages for international users. For instance, Orange provides Internet and cloud services that can be pretty handy if you’re visiting Asia. So, check out different options and never fall behind your competition when it comes to access to fresh data.

Devoted virtual assistant

No matter if you’re a remote worker in a company or you work for several clients, it might happen that you can’t handle all the tasks you have to cope with. At that point, you’ll probably think that you have to pass on some of the tasks on other workers or decline some of the projects. However, this doesn’t have to be the case if you hire a virtual assistant. Instead of refusing tasks, you can save time on the errands that aren’t essential part of your work tasks (appointments, replying to emails etc.). That way, you’ll have more time for your projects and add new accomplishments to your portfolio.

If you’re among millions of workers who’re migrating to the Web, you should take care of online work-related features before you start your teleworking career. The more organized and tech-educated you get, the better results you’ll have. Bear that in mind and make a great business story as a remote worker.


Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and a regular contributor to Technivorz.


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