Ann Arbor Graphic Design Fivenson Studios


Mobile-optimization is the new future. Optimizing pertaining to mobile has become an important concern to companies in 2014, nevertheless 2015 stands out as the calendar year that mobile strategies will proceed beyond the basic development of a mobile friendly site as well as apps for mobile. Business will primarily focus on content, mobile optimization and social media marketing. The compiles, brands and other business that don’t get on board with these changes will get left behind. In 2015 we will see a great number of business popping up calming to do “content management and social media content development”

This year we will see a lot of changes that take place within the development of the “internet” with all these changes taking place Google has already changed its webmasters tools, adding in a section called Mobile Usability. Google has make it clear if you don’t have a mobile friendly website, it will affect your ranking. In other words it’s relevant for search engine optimization to have a mobile friendly site.

I forecast that in 2015 companies and brands will become more aware of how important social media, along with mobile optimization will be to the future of its success.  Businesses will begin to realize the need of having social media marketing method that relates to its mobile audience. Social media marketing ads will increase as brands realize the importance of what social media can offer them.

In the beginning part of 2014, we saw Facebook reporting increased ad revenue of ten percent. As organic post reach continues to slip, and as Facebook restricts what types of posts are shown in users’ feeds, paid advertising is solely on the brink to increase as businesses struggle to take care of traffic and sales from social media channels.

Businesses are seeing positive results from their investment in social media, with large exposure and traffic to sites. Twitter’s new advertising options is currently in beta mode, where payment is triggered by specific actions like web site clicks, email opting in, along with downloads of apps. This will mean small to medium-sized businesses are going to be more likely to invest in these objective-based campaigns

According to the Business to Business (B2B) Content marketing Benchmarks report, ninety three percent of Business to Business (B2B) marketers said they used content marketing in 2014, and forty two percent said they thought-about their strategy effective (up from thirty six percent last year).

As marketers still see the advantages of their content strategies PPC, SEO and social media are re-allocated to content marketing efforts. A significant struggle, however, are finding ways to stand out amidst the throngs of different content vying for attention.  Online video content, research-intensive content, and also content that abides from the 12 quality metrics are usually just what provides firms a plus around their competitors.

Businesses are increasingly willing to invest in mobile content, together with making short-form content that’s easily readable on mobile devices, being familiar with the audience’s mobile habits as well as positioning additional focus on online video as well as images that’s purely consumed through mobile.

Businesses can come to the one marketing asset that they will control entirely; their email list. One way in which they’ll try this is to repurpose existing content into downloadable PDFs such as whitepapers or eBooks, which may be offered as opt-in incentives to build an email list. This revived specialize in email marketing will intertwine with content marketing to blur the lines between email and content marketing.

In 2015, brands can begin to understand the need of differentiating themselves from their competitors when it involves emails. As brands notice the worth of content marketing, they’ll begin to streamline their email content so as to avoid redundancy.

The lines between content marketing, SEO, & social media will become more smudged. Content marketing has been depicted by a few as the “new SEO;” which is to some degree exact. SEO and content marketing will proceed as two different things, however interlaced trains that depend on one another for achievement. That said, content marketing is now the primary influencer of search visibility. Organizations that don’t put resources into a robust content marketing will find that their SEO battles are inadequate at best, and harming to their pursuit of visibility.

SEO will come to be seen more as a subset of online marketing, dealing with technical aspects such as meta tags, indexing issues, penalty recovery, and keyword research. Social media then again will come to be seen as an important speaker of any substance system. While organizations have been centered around making great content, less center has been given to advancing and conveying that content.

Organizations will likewise understand the other advantages of social media marketing, including expanded brand recognition and brand power, enhanced client experiences and higher change rates. Companies & Brands will scramble to humanize itself. Brands who engage and develop relationships with their fans, followers and email subscribers will see tremendous benefits, all of which will ultimately increase their bottom line.

Brands that are able to connect with their audience on a human-level will enjoy higher conversion rates, better brand loyalty, faster audience growth, and happier customers. The rise of social media, brands will realize that their customers are on social media channels to interact with other people, not with brands and corporate-sounding lingo. I believe a company’s ability to humanize their brand will be the single most important factor in their success using social media.

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Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and webpage design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

Let’s Get Social | | (734) 224-9696 | Info@FivensonStudios.Com