When it comes to marketing you need to set your priorities straight and realize that conversions are paramount. Your content may have thousands of likes, shares, and retweets, but this counts for nothing if at least some of these people don’t decide to actually buy your products/pay for your services. What you need to do is learn how to turn visitors and readers into paying customers and one of the things that can help you with that is marketing automation. Here are few ideas on how all of this works.

Numbers Don’t Lie

While some people may be skeptical about software’s ability to successfully deal with this vital task, numbers simply don’t lie. According to a recently conducted survey, companies that have efficiently automated this vital task experience over 53 percent increase in lead conversions. On annual basis, they have 3.1 percent higher revenue growth rate than their counterparts that still refuse to go with this technique. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that a machine is simply more productive. When programmed carefully, it is less likely to make a mistake or overlook an important schedule.

Visitor Profiling

In the past, most marketing campaigns have targeted demographics instead of individuals. Even though this simplifies things, it is much less effective. Today, however, most businesses recognize that their customers appreciate (and even require) a one-on-one approach. Still, in order to engage someone in the best way possible, you need to know a thing or two about them. This technique is known as lifecycle marketing because it observes the conversion process as a cycle with different stages through which the buyer moves. With modern analytics tools, you can easily acquire tons of raw data concerning people viewing your website, but in order to process them into information you can use, you will need the right marketing automation tool.

Always On Time

Although it sounds simple that a machine is less likely to forget about an important date, it can sometimes be completely game-changing. When it comes to B2B engagement, companies value the fact that you respond as soon as possible, since it means that you respect their time. Furthermore, there are some vital marketing dates (surrounding holidays and events) for which you need to start preparing in time. Forgetting to take this vital step can result in losing a lot of business during the most lucrative period of the year.

Your Own Templates

Finally, some people fear that this automation is something their clients will recognize and assume a negative stance towards. This particularly goes when it comes to emails directed to new or inactive members. Whether this is true or not is completely up to you. These tools will use your own templates and strategies, which means that you will still be very much in charge.

It Takes Time

One more thing you need to keep in mind when building a successful automation strategy is that it takes a lot of time. Even when you finally manage to get a grip on it, don’t expect the results right away. It is simply absurd to assume that the difference in revenue growth, conversions, and productivity can be visible just days after you have introduced all these changes. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect the same from your latest marketing strategy.


The bottom line is that marketing automation will take some of this burden off your staff, minimize the margin of error, and benefit your business as a whole. Marketing automation is a way of the future and sooner or later, everyone who wants to stay in the game will have to adopt it. By being a pioneer you can easily provide yourself with a head start that will place your head and shoulders above your competitors.

Dan Radak is a marketing professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and a regular contributor to Technivorz.


Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and web page design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

Fivenson Studios: Michigan’s #1 Graphic Design, Web Design, & Digital Advertising Agency 

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