Hashing Out The Almighty #Hashtag

  • Hashtags make it easier for people to find and follow discussions about brands, events, and promotions
  • They allow brands to track the performance of promotions across social media.
  • They started out on Twitter, but have spread to Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Google search, and other platforms.
  • Individuals can see a 100% increase in engagement by using hashtags while brands can see a 50% increase.


Using Hashtags On Twitter

  • Tweets with hastags get 2 times more engagement than tweets without.
  • Tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than those with three or more hashtags.
  • But when you use more than two hashtags, engagement drops by an average of 17%


Using Hashtags On Instagram

  • Instagram, the opposite of Twitter, shows posts with 11 or more hashtags have the highest interactions.
  • Use LOTS of hashtags on Instagram to build your community.


Using Hashtags On Facebook.

  • Facebook post without hashtags outperform those with hashtags.
  • Rarely use hashtags on Facebook to categorize (for business- oriented followers) or build a community (for community-oriented followers).
  • Too many hashtags on Facebook leads to fewer interactions.


Tips For Successful Hashtag Campaigns.

What is a good hashtag?

  • Memorable
  • Unique
  • Relevant to your campaign.


Find A Balance

  • Hashtags should be distinctive and simple for followers to remember
  • Don’t use generic hashtags, like food, people, or places they are too broad and too hard to track.


Create An Easy-To-Understand Message:

  • Craft a hashtag around one particular message.
  • Keep it short.
  • Make the call-to-action clear, consistent, and easy.
  • Avoid anything too abstract.
  • Capitalize multi-word hashtags


Create Your Own Momentum:

  • Identify your audience’s influencers.
  • Look to you fans to inspire new campaign hashtags.


Utilize Your Band:

  • Consider using your brand’s name in a hashtag.


Double Check:

  • Consider your hashtag means something else entirely
  • Steer clear of slang.
  • Before you finalize a list of hashtags, check if yours are being used elsewhere in an entirely different context.


Proofread Them Proofread Again:

  • If a hashtag can be misread, it will be.
  • Make sure when capitalization is removed, the words in a hashtag do no create other words or messages.


Have A Backup Plan:

  • Test a hashtag before heavily marketing it.
  • Have an alternative campaign prepared if your initial idea is co-opted


Incorporate Hashtags Into Traditional Media:

  • Consider using hashtags on billboards, television commercials, etc.


Monitor The Conversation:

  • Follow hashtags to keep track of trends in your industry.
  • See what your competition does, what influencers say, and how customers react.


Live Tweet During A Big Event:

  • Find a way to incorporate your hashtag into elections, sports championships, awards shows, and other major events.

Hashtags can be a great way to engage with followers on the proper platform, to introduce new products or services, and gain traction for an event. #UseHashtags.

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Fivenson Studios is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, our graphic design team specializes in logo and webpage design, as well as marketing campaigns for social and print media. From flyers and brochures to targeted landing pages, we aim to bring your company into the spotlight and reach a greater range of potential customers.

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